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(178/185) 389 - Buffer Selector : Add Buffer Close button

It would be handy if each tab in the BufferSelector would (optionally) have a tiny close button, which would close the tab. Right now, to close a tab, I have to click on the tab to make it visible, and then type the "Meta-W" key combination to close it.

Submitted rovf - 2018-04-25 07:45:39.804000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2018-05-03 19:56:29.289000

The problem with this suggestion is BufferSelector actually uses JToggleButtons, not tabs. Tabs support a close icon, buttons do not. It would probably be possible to have a right-click action show a popup to close the buffer (and remove the button), but that sounds like it would not really be any easier than what you're already doing. Another option would be to use the Buffer Switcher macro to close buffers, but again, I'm not sure that would save you any steps. Yet another option would be to use the BufferTabs plugin, which does have a close icon on each tab.

2018-05-04 04:17:57.209000


How about optionally recognizing double-click (maybe better: double-left-click) on the tab to close it?